Hi everybody:
I haven’t written a thing on this site for a year. Actually, I never really got it going.
I started it in an effort to create an affiliate marketing business, which is when you build a site on a certain topic, offer tons of helpful, free content that attracts a lot of visitors, and make money by earning a commission on any products you recommend.
But I realized a year into it, that it was way, way too much work and not the kind of work I’m good at.
It was funny because as I was trying to hone in on what my site could offer people, I changed the title and type of place I wanted it to be a bunch of times. First it was “So Many Ways to Wellness,” where I wrote about all the wellness and healthful stuff I’ve encountered in my life. Then, I changed the name to “Project Help Yourself.” Then, “Mind Body Habits,” then it was “He’s Not Going to Change,” which was going to be about how you can only change yourself, not the other person (specifically your partner).
Finally, I gave up on the affiliate marketing effort, and decided to write a little book to see how Amazon Kindle worked. The book turned out to be “Help for Women with ADHD: My Simple Strategies for Conquering Chaos.”
And it’s done so well! It’s been a super great thing in my life. It’s connected me to so many women out there who have written to say how much it’s helped them. And, it earns me some passive income.
I’ve been writing a second book on the same subject for three years now! And I’m still writing it! I think it might be ready for publication in June.
It’s much, much longer than my first little book, but it’s like a daily reader, where each entry stands alone. So, you can read any page and hopefully get something out of it, without having to read the whole book. The working title at this point is “More Help for Women with ADHD: Reflections, Obsessions, Feelings, and Suggestions for Conquering Chaos in Bite-sized Pieces.”
I’d say Happy New Year, but I’m ambivalent about saying it. I do wish everyone a happy day… a happy year… but I don’t want to pressure anyone to feel a certain way!
Here in the Northeast, the sun hasn’t been out for a week, so I’ve been sitting with my full spectrum S.A.D therapy lamp, which really helps vanquish the blues that come from lack of light.
See, if this were an Affiliate Marketing site, I could recommend my particular full spectrum lamp, and if you clicked on my link, I’d make a commission! LOL!
I hope it’s nice where you are and that you’re “doing healthy.” I got that phrase from a toddler who once said, about her infant sister, “Anna’s doing healthy!”
It’s almost noon, I’m doing healthy, and about to treat myself to a cup of coffee in a glass cup.
Just the thought of it lifts my spirits. That, and writing to you.