Help for Women with ADHD
Help for Women with ADHD is mostly a place to talk about what it feels like to have ADHD. (Meanwhile, though, it ends up being about other stuff, too.)
Recognizing Codependency
Honest to God, sometimes I catch myself right in the middle of it. I’ll be ranting at my husband about how good for him
Getting real about losing weight: Food 101
This woman was out of her mind. Out of her mind. She was a model, in N.Y.C., when I met her: a friend of
Transforming negative emotions using the Law of Attraction
I’ve been into the Law of Attraction through the Abraham-Hicks work for a long time. I’ve read almost all of the Abraham/Esther and Jerry
Staying motivated
It happens a lot in January. Say, you’ve sworn to follow a food plan – or a five-minute morning meditation. The first week or
Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging
I’ve just read the new book, “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging,” by Sebastian Junger. It’s about the idea that much of what’s so difficult
Learn to meditate right here
There are lots of ideas out there about meditation. Some people confuse it with prayer, which isn’t a bad thing (I happen to be into
Help for emotional eating
I used to think I knew exactly what people needed to do to lose weight. I was sure it was all about eating balanced
Four Ways to Handle Anger Constructively
I get angry. Mostly — I have to admit — at my husband. I don’t get road rage; I don’t get irritated waiting in
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