Help for Women with ADHD
Help for Women with ADHD is mostly a place to talk about what it feels like to have ADHD. (Meanwhile, though, it ends up being about other stuff, too.)
Italian, anyone?
Look! My little book got translated into Italian by this really nice translator, Anna Dazzi, who lives in Padua. What’s fun about it, I
This online Summit of women talking
So this wonderful woman, Dr. Amy Boyd, who’s helped thousands of women complete their doctoral dissertations, asked me to chat with her about ADHD
Celebrating Neurodiversity
I just love the growing community of women with ADHD and all other neurodivergent people who are out there standing up to say that
The thing I gave up on … and what I found instead
Hi everybody: I haven’t written a thing on this site for a year. Actually, I never really got it going. I started it in an
Decide where you’re going to make your journal
I’ve written in a journal since I was a teenager. Having a place to write whatever you want to write, to yourself, in the total privacy of your own mind,
My Kindle book is on Free Promo today
Click here for the link to my small book “Help for Women with ADHD: My Simple Strategies for Conquering Chaos.” It’s on a free promo
My “master tools” for working with ADHD
Since starting an Instagram page about ADHD about a month ago, I’m getting a lot from what other people say. And it really gets me thinking about
Taking it one day at a time
I was exercising just now doing these PT stretches for an injury I have. And it was nice. It felt good in my body
How indecisiveness makes me avoid doing things
I groaned when my new therapist brought up the subject of scheduling. “I know, I know, I know, I know,” I said. What do
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