
This online Summit of women talking

So this wonderful woman, Dr. Amy Boyd, who’s helped thousands of women complete their doctoral dissertations, asked me to chat with her about ADHD and

Celebrating Neurodiversity

I just love the growing community of women with ADHD and all other neurodivergent people who are out there standing up to say that brain

My Kindle book is on Free Promo today

Click here for the link to my small book “Help for Women with ADHD: My Simple Strategies for Conquering Chaos.” It’s on a free promo today,

Taking it one day at a time

I was exercising just now doing these PT stretches for an injury I have. And it was nice. It felt good in my body and

Dwell on your wins

According to psychologist Rick Hanson, author of the New York Times bestseller Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, our brains lay

My focus gets highjacked and I can't stay focused on work

How my focus gets highjacked

Often, in the morning, I’ll get fixated on what I call the new notebook syndrome. What it is, is me thinking that if I had

Do you recognize impulsivity?

As Kerry (the brilliant bipolar CIA agent) said on one of the latest episodes of HBO’s Homeland “my impulse control is not so good.” You


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